The side of New York sports that isn't in the spotlight

 Ron Phillips says that most of the time, when people talk about sports, the names of professional sports teams from the Big Apple usually come up, such as the Yankees, Knicks, Rangers, Mets, Jets, Islanders, or Giants. Other times, people discuss the world-famous sporting arenas like Madison Square Garden or Yankee Stadium.  


That said, people should know that there is another side to New York sports – the lesser-known but equally exciting extreme side that is barely in the spotlight as far as New York sports is concerned. In fact, according to New Yorker Ron Phillips, there are places in the city where people can test their abilities and courage through many exhilarating activities.

A scenic route

Take, for instance, the kayaking venue down by the scenic Hudson River. Established by a nonprofit organization called Downtown Boathouse, people can kayak the Hudson River for free. There are three locations to start from, but the thrill of adventure and level of excitement is all the same.


Time to glide

Then there is a rollerblading course that takes you through the West Side Highway. Rollerblade enthusiasts can glide down this 13-mile stretch from Battery Park down to Fort Tryon Park with other skaters and rollers of all ages from all walks of life. 

For the dauntless

For enthusiasts of more physically demanding activities, they can head on to Chelsea Piers, where they can engage in hockey, HIIT, rock-climbing, sailing, dodgeball, and even triathlon training. Ron Phillips says this area of New York is not for the fainthearted. He also says never forget your water tumbler because you will sweat a lot.


Finally, there is skydiving at the Long Island Skydiving Center, where people can see the New York countryside in all its glory, and the New Jersey Motorsports Park track, for supercar enthusiasts.  


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